Liviu Rebreanu

Liviu Rebreanu was a Romanian novelist, playwright, short story writer, and journalist.

Born in Trliua , Transylvania, then part of AustriaHungary, he was the second of thirteen children born to Vasile Rebreanu, a schoolteacher, and Ludovica Diuganu, descendants of peasants. His father had been a classmate of George Cobucs and was an amateur folklorist. Liviu Rebreanu went to primary school in Maieru , and then in Nsud and Bistria, to military school at Sopron and then to the Ludovica Military Academy in Budapest. He worked as an officer in Gyula but resigned in 1908, and in 1909 illegally crossed the Southern Carpathians into Romania, and lived in Bucharest.

Source: Wikipedia